
Origin Story

The Abundance is an outcome arising from the IndiVisible Report, a research project spearheaded by DM St. Bernard, Jivesh Parasram and Yvette Nolan with support from the Equity Office at the Canada Council for the Arts.

In 2015, the online database was housed at Ad Hoc Assembly as an embedded excel spreadsheet, frequently updated with contributions by members and the community. In 2016, we worked with Indigenous Performing Arts Alliance to incorporate the works from their Indigenous Body of Work.

2020, the list transitioned to the formalized Abundance of Works website as an outcome of the Knowledge Sharing Exchange, supported by the Canada Council for the Arts.

Notes on praxis

Identity Designations

Designations have been sourced from publicly available self-identification materials wherever possible (e.g. program bio, artist website, media appearances). Broad cultural categories are derived from the Canada Council for the Arts’ designated priority groups. We acknowledge the demand for nuance and further specificity within such designations. Artists are encouraged to select all categories that pertain to their holistic identity. [Examples include, but are not limited to: Indigenous, Asian, African, Latinx, Middle Eastern, Deaf, disabled.]


We recognize the fluidity of gender identity and the complexity of gender presentation. Gender designations have been sourced from publicly available self-identification materials wherever possible. These designations are not static, and should not be considered absolute or authoritative. They are reflective of the artist’s self-identification at a mere point in time.


We welcome and embrace correction. If you are an artist seeking revision to the way that you or your work are identified in this database, please do not hesitate to reach out at adhocassembly@gmail.com


These statistics are not scientific; we are not statisticians. They represent an attempt to quantify and bring visual perspective to what is gathered.


This list is not exhaustive–it will grow as more voices are added. Use the Submit a Work form to contribute to our ever-prolific creative community.


  • Website & Database Design:Jennie Robinson Faber
  • Abundance Steward & Website Copy:Natércia Napoleão
  • Concept & Coordination: Donna-Michelle St. Bernard

Thanks to Cole Alvis, Jenna Rodgers, Michael Man, and all of the individuals and organizations who provided their production histories back when it all began.